Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yes I know I'm a bit late on the whole New Year thing...forgive me.
For this year I plan do strive for several things. Some are going to take longer than others, but I don't really care.

Ok this year I plan to:
1. Learn to cry. I have a hard time crying. Most likely because I told myself to suck it up and deal with it. No more, that is a thing of the past and now I'm going to cry at everything happy and sad...well not not everything.
2. Start a girls bible study group. It's something that I have always planned to do since I'm not getting too much out of church or bible study. I want to dig deep with other girls my age and hopefully we can all grow deeper in our walk with the Lord. It would also be nice to make some new friends and have support and be support for others.
3. Stop procrastinating and finish the first draft of my book. I put the 'pro' in procrastinate. I need to stop dreaming and start writing. I plan to write one chapter every two weeks. I have already written three chapters of my book and I have twenty-eight more to go. I would also like to write out the storyline for my second book in the triology that I'm writing.

So, now I say good-bye 2008 and hello 2009!
God bless everyone!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too am a book worm and I my dream is to be a writer. I like your page. If you want check out mine.