Monday, March 30, 2009

Looking on the Past.

Looking on the past, and I realized I was kinda cute a a kid.

(Sorry, I wasn't able to scan these pictures so I re-took them iwht the camera give this photo a slanted apperence.) I think I had just eaten a brownie or something.

Me with lipstick all over my face.

And then my Pooh Bear stuffed animal and I. (I still have it to)

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Goals!

This year for 2009 I had three goals, you can read about them below.
But one of my goals this year was to get the first draft of my book done. This, I am happy to say, is going along nicely. I haven't had too many writer's blocks and the words just keep flowing out of me like a river into the ocean, and when I can't write and I don't have any ideas, I just plain out 'junk write'. I just write down whatever comes to mind at that very moment...even if I'm thinking about cheese, I'll write about cheese. Simple as that. Here's one of my 'junk writings'.
Enjoy, and I ask you not to copy and take my writing as your own. It's illegal and wrong. Everything in italics is mine! DO NOT COPY IT PLEASE!
Thank you!
"A young girl’s fingers graced the keyboard of her laptop. She sat cross-legged, relaxed in a way, on her bed covered with several blankets that would remind one of a rainbow. The room was dark for the blinds blocked out any remaining light from the retiring sun. Everywhere, scattered on the grey, shaggy carpet, where books among all different kinds; anywhere from fantasy to history, and even a journal or two.

The girl alone was fascinating to look at. Her posture did not scream ‘I’m a teenager!’ although she was. She held her head high, and kept her back straight. The light from the computer screen, glinted off her glasses and shone on her tightly pulled back bun. She gazed into the screen as if she were willing it to do something with the power of her mind.

She closed her eyes and her fingers twitched with unknown anticipation. Somewhere from outside a dog barked, and sirens echoed loudly through her walls, but the girl, as though she were in a trance, paid no mind to the racket.

A minute passed and everything soon became as still as death. The sun had taken its last breath and the storm-dark clouds shadowed the sky. Darkness engulfed everything, everything but the girl. Her skin glowed as though she were the moon in a midnight sky.

Her eyes flashed open, her eyes shining like stars. Her fingers flew into action and the silence was broken with the steady tap of keys. The wind howled from outside, and the rain drummed on the roof of her house. Thunder cracked and the sky lit up with a bolt of lightning, but the girl did not stop. When one would consider the storm noise, the girl found melody and rhythm that kept pace with her flying fingers.

Until the storm’s end her fingers would never stop, never tire. Her heart, her mind, and all of her soul were transformed into words; words that would last longer than herself. Her words would change lives and generations to come, and when the storm dies, she will forever rest until the next one is the horizon."

Saturday, March 7, 2009

An Update

Hey I have an update on my life!
I just passed the 10,000 word mark in one of my stories and the 20,000 word mark in another. That's all really. Still waiting for that special boy to come into my life. :3
The above picture is from my 15th birthday.
Oh! And I also get my braces off in about three months. YAY!