Sunday, July 12, 2009

Hey from Arizona!

Hey from hot Arizona everyone!

I've been here (AZ) for 7 days! I've been having a blast hanging with my best friend and her family. I also got to meet my sister's boyfriend; I love him already.

We haven't been doing too much...there's not very much to do in the middle of nowhere. We've visited a few old towns, but that's about it.

Yesterday my family and I hiked up a mountain. I was sooo high up I was getting dizzy, and on top of that, I have a huge fear of heights. *shiver*

After that we all went to In-And-Out. I wouild have enjoyed it more if there weren't nickle sized beetles flying around...I really don't like bugs...and when can fly around...that makes it worse.

Well, I have to go. I just got an idea for my book and I'd hate to forget it. I'll post again soon!