Monday, November 17, 2008

Halloween Fun

I know it has taken me half a month to get these pictures up, but better late than never. So this year for Halloween (I wanted to get one last kick out of being young I guess) I decided to well...I think the pictures below say it all. Sadly several people called me a 'boy' when I am, in fact, a girl. But in those peoples' defense, it as dark out. Tons of people said 'nice' or 'that's great!' I think my costume has gotten the mos laughs out of every costume.

My dad something really funny, and I couldn't help but laugh. So in this picture I look like a real dork.

I was able to act serious (sort of) in this picture.

My sister (left) and I got our picture together...which is rare.
Me on the verge of an explosion of laughter. My family almost died laughing at me. It was a great last year of Trick-or- Treating.

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